Overall, I think the content being provided to us is incredibly valuable. And you are delivering it in a palatable fashion which is easier to digest with our current demanding work loads, which is great.

The conversations taking place around the table have vastly improved and I think we have good momentum going forward. I’m encouraged and look forward to continuing learning and discussing with you and the team.

E.H. (Calusa Casino)

Hey Dave. Just wanted to thank you again for taking the time to come in and work with us. The time you spent with our players and staff had an enormous impact and will really help us grow as individuals, as a team and as an organization. I hope that you enjoyed the trip and were able to take something away from it. Hopefully, at a minimum, we can continue the dialogue as we strive to develop as a high performing team, organization, and culture. In the meantime, please let us know if we can ever assist you with anything.

Also, I’m not sure I specifically mentioned it while you were here, but I wanted to thank you for your long and distinguished service career. I am profoundly grateful for all of the sacrifices you’ve made and hardships you’ve endured on behalf of our country. We are all very lucky to have you and your teammates defending our interests and freedoms.

With sincere respect and appreciation,
C.A. (Cleveland Guardians)